Frequently Asked Questions

To speed up the voting process on Election Day.
The qualifications to be registered to vote are found in section 43 of the Anguilla Constitution. The following summary of that section is presented only for convenient reference.
To be qualified to vote, a person must be:
  1. 18 years of age or older
  2. Resident in the electoral district in which the person seeks to be registered
  3. Domiciled in Anguilla on the last day of the quarter in which the application to register is made
  4. One of the following:
    1. A British Overseas Territories Citizen who was born in Anguilla
    2. A Belonger of Anguilla who has resided in Anguilla for a period of at least 5 years immediately before the last day of the quarter in which the application is made.
    3. A Belonger of Anguilla who has resided in Anguilla for a period of less than 5 years but at least 1 year immediately before the last day of the quarter in which the application to register is made and who is either:
      • The lawful spouse,widow, widower, son or daughter of a person born in Anguilla or
      • The lawful spouse of the son or daughter of a person born in Anguilla
Come in, update information and take a picture for your card to be processed.
10 years.
Apply for a new one and pay a fee.
To reduce the risk of identity theft, and for your safety we will not release your card to anyone else other than you.
You may vote for only one candidate in the single member district and up to 4 persons in the Island-wide district.
Your ballot will be considered spoiled and will not be counted.
Check the preliminary listings in your district or come to the office.
To be properly identified by the officer at the polling stations as well as avoiding queries of fraudulent information by members of the general public, which can lead to court hearings and potential imprisonment or being fined.
It can be queried by any member of the general public and be taken to a hearing, in which case the Electoral Registration Officer will make a decision and can further be taken to the Magistrate.
Under the Anguilla Law, the voter's list (containing names and addresses):
  • It can be publicly viewed at the Central Electoral Office and on the website of the Central Electoral Office.
  • may be supplied to prescribed authorities, such as members of the house of assembly, judiciary, political parties and the candidates.
No. Names are only removed from the list if persons are deceased If their name is fraudulently on the list If they are sentenced to death or imprisonment exceeding 12 months.
Residence verification is a vital part of ensuring that our voter's list remains at a high standard. The law requires that you must vote in the district where you reside. Residence verification is our way of ensuring that the address given is really where you reside.

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